Frequently Asked Questions
Our clients have asked us every possible question over our 25 years of collective experience. Choosing care for a loved one is a significant decision. We understand why people have so many questions about our services, caregiving costs, and caretakers. To help you make informed decisions, we answer our most frequently asked questions about home care below. Take a moment to read our answers below, and if you still have any questions about what our team can do for you, please reach out to us.
Frequently Asked Questions About Setting Up Care
How quickly can Neighborly Home Care begin services?
Care can often begin within 72 hours of the initial inquiry. However, like any important decision, advanced planning usually benefits all parties. For instance, if you know that your loved one will be discharged from the hospital in three days and that they will require assistance, call us as soon as possible to discuss the situation. With advanced notice, we can help reduce the stress of discharge day by executing all paperwork, staffing your case, and completing a personal care plan before your loved one is discharged from the hospital.
Is a home consultation offered prior to starting care?
A qualified Neighborly Home Care manager will answer your questions and establish your home care needs. Additionally, they will make an appointment to meet with you and your family members to assess and identify the potential client’s specific needs.
Will there be a written plan of care outlining the caregiver’s duties?
Yes we do develop a written service plan. A qualified Neighborly Home Care manager will complete an individualized and detailed care plan for all cases mandated by local licensing regulations. You, a Neighborly Home care staffing coordinator, and all assigned caregivers will review the plan.
What is a service plan?
A Service Plan is a guide for providing hands-on care for clients in the home setting. The PCM (Professional Care Manager) evaluates each new client and completes an assessment. This assessment provides the information that allows the PCM to develop the individual Service Plan. The sections present specific details on the client’s personal needs and hygiene, vital signs, nutrition, elimination, activities, and other services. The PCM performs regular supervisory visits and maintains a current, accurate Service Plan.
The Service Plan is left in the client’s home, and when the HHA arrives for their shift, they carefully read and follow the directions that it contains. If the HHA feels the Service Plan should be changed to best serve the client’s level of care needs, they will call the PCM and request that the plan be reviewed and amended.
What is a service agreement?
You sign a Service Agreement that outlines the services Neighborly Home Care will provide to you. It also includes your obligation to Neighborly Home Care and Neighborly Home Care’s obligation to you. The agreement broadly states that as long as you continue to request our services and as long as we continue to perform services, you agree to pay for those services at the agreed-upon rates. This Service Agreement in no way obligates you to purchase services from Neighborly Home Care at any time in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Home Care Services
Is transportation available?
Transportation as part of your care program is available. Our intake specialist will determine if you need someone who has her own vehicle or if you prefer to use your vehicle. Whether you require assistance with your medical care appointments or shopping, or if you want to go to the park, we can help.
What is the difference between live-in care, 24/7 care and hourly care?
With live-in care service, an individual comes to your home and stays with you. The person eats, sleeps, and is a guest in your home while they are there to assist you. Live-in caregivers require a place to sleep, the proper time necessary to sleep, and a bathroom that they can use.
24/7 care provides service for seniors who require close supervision at all times and is billed hourly. 24/7 care is different from live-in care because it requires three caregivers to work in shifts to ensure the individual in need always has the proper supervision.
Hourly care is available for people who require intermittent assistance. Hourly service is available anywhere from 3 to 24 hours a day.
Can you provide care in places other than the senior’s home?
Yes. At Neighborly Home Care, we can visit seniors anywhere they need care. For example, our caregivers provide round-the-clock companionship and monitoring for safety during hospital stays. In addition, many residents of assisted living facilities and independent living facilities hire our caregivers to provide the personal one-on-one attention they deserve.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Cost of Care
How often will you be billed?
Neighborly Home Care billing procedures can vary based on services provided. A Neighborly Home Care representative will clarify monthly billing procedures and options, including when payment is due back to the company.
Does Neighborly Home Care bill the long-term care insurance company directly? Will they assist with getting services pre-authorized?
As a licensed agency throughout Eastern Pennsylvania, Neighborly Home Care can bill your long-term care insurance company on your behalf. Additionally, we will assist you with submitting all documentation needed to determine your eligibility and begin your insurance payments.
Will Medicare or Medicaid pay for these services?
Some clients may be eligible to receive our services through Medicaid Waiver Programs. Because this varies on a case-by-case basis, we encourage you to contact us to see if this applies to your particular situation.
What if I don’t have long-term care insurance or Medicaid?
It is common for us to meet individuals who require our services but do not possess long-term care insurance or Medicaid to cover these services. Therefore, caregiver services are still available through our private pay program.
Our private pay clients appreciate the value we offer at a reasonable cost. Our flexible scheduling also helps keep costs down because we ensure that you receive caregiver support only for those hours you need it.
What other costs could be associated with your care?
You may be responsible for a premium rate on holidays or mileage charges when a caregiver uses their own car for transportation or errands.
Frequently Asked Questions About Caregivers
What are Neighborly Home Care’s hiring practices
Unlike many home care companies, we don’t hire independent contractors. Instead, our caregivers are all full-time/part-time Neighborly Home Care employees. Each of them is an integral part of our home care company.
All caregivers complete a thorough interview process that includes: reviewing their previous work experience, years of caregiving, medical, healthcare experience, and certifications; past work reference checks; license requirements; verification to determine their eligibility to work in the U.S.; required vaccinations and other medical checks; national criminal background check; Neighborly Home Care’s own HHA test, along with a skills assessment and company policy and procedure orientation.
And since all Neighborly Home Care caregivers are our employees, so they are licensed and covered by NHC’s worker’s compensation and liability insurance.
What type of Training is provided?
Neighborly Home Care provides ongoing training for our caregivers that includes: all federal and state required in-service programs to ensure that caregiver licenses are up to date and in good standing, training programs provided by appropriate local and national associations, including (but not limited to)
- Alzheimer’s
- MS
- Parkinson’s
- Hospice
Neighborly Home Care also provides
- Transfer training by RNs; ongoing monthly training (e.g., kosher meals, CPR, Aphasia, symptoms of UTI)
- Regular comprehensive competency assessment by a registered nurse; oxygen safety in the home
- Diabetic diet and nutrition counseling by a licensed dietician
- Cultural training (as needed)
- Depression recognition
- Hospitality training
How will I know if the caregiver provides the correct hours at the scheduled times agreed upon when we signed up for service?
Neighborly Home Care uses a Telephone Reporting System to track the number of hours and arrival/departure times for each caregiver’s shift. The caregiver logs in from the client’s phone upon arrival and logs out from the client’s phone upon leaving by using a particular toll-free phone number assigned to them. This allows us to keep an accurate account of the hours worked by the caregiver. The only time an employee may use a client’s phone is to clock in or in case of emergency.
How do you supervise caregivers?
At the onset of care, we create a schedule and plan covering all aspects of the appropriate level of care needed for a particular client. We go over this plan with each caregiver. A Professional Care Manager makes regular visits and phone calls to ensure that the care plan is adequate and is executed properly. Then, in conjunction with the senior citizen and the senior’s family, the Professional Care Manager will amend the plan as necessary.
Will I have a choice of a caregiver or will a caregiver be assigned to me?
We will arrange an interview between you and the caregiver selected for your needs. However, if you find that the caregiver is not a good fit based on personality or experience, we will arrange for you to meet with additional caregivers until we find the caregiver that best matches your needs.
Contact Neighborly Home Care for Home Care Services for Your Loved Ones
We hope that you found these answers to our frequently asked questions about home care helpful and that they assisted you in making the proper care decisions for your loved ones. If you need assistance caring for a senior or disabled adult loved one, we can help you. Our skilled and compassionate care providers are well-trained and passionate about providing your loved ones with quality care. Contact us today to see how our elder care services can help you and your loved ones.